
The central worship experience at our Kehila is our weekly Shabbat service. If you are joining us for the very first time you may have some questions about what to expect in a Messianic Jewish synagogue.

Our Shabbat services is on Saturday mornings at 09:00am and is open to everyone to join in worship.

How long is the service?

Our Shabbat prayer service starts at 09:00am, followed by the teaching and usually runs for between 1.5 and 2 hours in length.

What is the service like?

Our service consists of Jewish liturgy in Hebrew and English, modern Messianic Jewish praise and worship music followed by the message. We also have a Torah service on the first Shabbat of every month. Once the service is over, we meet over a light snack for building community and fellowship.

How do I follow the service?

Our liturgical prayer will require a Siddur (Jewish prayer book) which is available on a table just as you enter the sanctuary, and we will guide you through the Siddur as the services goes.

We have our Shabbat service on Saturday at 10:00 AM. During service times, the children meet in the outer balcony for class. Afterwards, we all fellowship over a light snack.

Mobiles, Cameras, Recording

Please remember to keep your mobile devices on silent mode when in the synagogue. We encourage turning off your phone and be digital free on Shabbat as much as possible so you can truly rest your minds and connect with G-d. We do not allow for recording of our services or photos to be taken while service is occurring. However, we do allow photos during special ceremonies such as Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Holy Day plays and skits, baby dedications and award ceremonies.
We offer Livestream for our online viewers. Please reach out to our staff to get more details.


  • We encourage everyone to come to synagogue in your best attire. Men in the synagogue are encouraged to wear a kippah where as women can wear a ladies’ head covering in the form of a scarf, dupatta or a hat.
  • When men approach to read from the Torah, they are to wear full-length pants and shirts – not shorts or tshirts/ tops. We have a few spare kippot in the Kehila office in case you have forgotten to wear yours to the service. Please reach out to our staff and they will assist you with one.
  • Traditionally, women do not read from the Torah, but can read from the Writings and New Testament during service. If you are called to read, please ensure you have a head covering to wear when reciting scripture.

Prayer Time

  • Pastor will not met with women alone and will always have a witness available during appointments or prayer with a member of the opposite sex. The same goes for any of our leadership at Kehilat Bethlechem.
  • Men pray with men and women are prayed over by women leaders.


  • We have a strong passion for families worshipping together! We strongly encourage children to take part in the worship experience, including joining in dance during praise and worship.
  • For those who may need it, we do have a nursery available near the balcony to the sanctuary, but we do not have a nursery worker so we ask that if you feel your children need to go to the nursery for a few minutes that a parent escort them.
  • We have shabbat school during the service for young kids between the age group 7-12. Please approach our staff to get your child enrolled.
  • Children are encouraged to carry their own water bottles, light snack along with stationary and colors for Shabbat school.


Our lot does not accommodate a large amount of vehicles. You are allowed to park in the slots allocated as A107 and B509. Additionally, you can park around the peripherals of the society. When in doubt, please reach out to our staff for directions.

Community best practices

  1. Please turn all devices on silent and do not discuss business on Shabbat.
  2. Our staff is here to help. They will guide you outside for parking and inside for your seat or any info you need. If you need help, please see them.
  3. Please fill out our visitor form to receive more information at the synagogue.
  4. Shabbat is about fellowship and service. The Pastor and the leaders of the community will pray with you and talk briefly on Shabbat, but in order to gain more insight into deep conversations, theological questions, business, and concerns, please call the office during working hours to set up an appointment.

Parents of Children

If you have little ones, please make yourself comfortable in the nursery where we also livestream the service. Sometimes when the weather permits, the teachers may take the young children outside to the park or backyard to play. If you do not want your child to participate, please let the teachers know when you drop them off.

  • If your child has an allergy or medical condition please speak with the teachers as well.
  • Bring snacks for your child, they will get hungry before the day is over, especially if we have long services or events. Bring extra clothes/diapers & wipes, etc. When in need or caught off guard, please see another mom or the staff for help. Almost any mom attending will have extra supplies.
  • Do not allow your children to play outside without supervision, especially near the corridors. We do not want any accidents or unwanted attention.

Thank you for visiting us and we look forward to your presence at our synagogue. We hope that all the information found here on this page will help better your experience with us and make you more prepared when you arrive.