Challenging Messianic young people to passionately follow Yeshua!

Kehilat Bethlechem serves teens, college & career-aged young adults, and Messianic youth leaders & youth workers by providing exposure to the foundations of the faith and opportunities throughout the year. Each year, we offer youth programs, youth camps and youth conferences. We’re also thrilled to provide ways to get connected and volunteer throughout the year such as through our Defending your faith program, prayer team, Annual Messianic conference and more.

In John 14:6, Messiah Yeshua says he is “The Way”.  Messiah Yeshua declares himself to be the only right path to a right relationship to G-d. We believe this to be Truth, and offer our programs as a means to encourage this belief! 

The goal of the youth group is to see the youth develop a personal relationship with Yeshua as well as come together in unity with the community worshiping G-d.

The youth group provides an alternative to what the world has to offer. 

With weekly meetings at the Kehila building, the youth have an opportunity to gather for a time of Bible study, fellowship and encouragement. Through personal growth the youth become refined, and equipped for the Master’s use. The youth ministry also camps, conferences and youth gatherings.
